Nur etwa 0,1 % der polnischen Bevölkerung sind Muslime, wobei die Situation als „Islamophobie ohne Muslime“ beschrieben wird. Polen war auch eines der Länder, die bei der Invasion und dem Angriff auf den Irak mitgeholfen haben, und haben die Folge dieser Flüchtlinge abgegeben.

Von mixererek


  1. So what? For example do I need to have a lot of criminals to be afraid of them?

  2. # Rape Statistics by European Country

    | Country | Approx. Rape Rate (per 100k) |
    | :- | :- |
    | Sweden | 80 |
    | England & Wales|65 |
    | Belgium | 35 |
    | Norway | 25 |
    | France | 20 |
    | Finland | 17 |
    | Netherlands | 16 |
    | Denmark | 14 |
    | Spain | 13 |
    | Austria | 12 |
    | Germany | 10 |
    | Ireland | 10 |
    | Italy | 9 |
    | Switzerland | 7 |
    | Czech Republic|6 |
    | Poland | 5 |
    | Portugal | 4 |
    | Hungary | 4 |
    | Slovakia | 4 |
    | Greece | 3 |

  3. The amount of brain damage that I received combined from that post and comments is surely lethal 🫡

  4. Different-Cook-8393 on

    I think it’s not islamophobia, lets be realistic and honest here, see what’s happening in EU countries where they accepted Muslim refugees, I am not actually surprised by anyone not wanting Muslim refugees around

  5. thisnameistakenn on

    Our intervention in Iraq is not relevant to the stance on refugees, but i think we should(Albeit with tighter criteria or longer acceptance processes) take in those in need, so long as they can properly assimilate

  6. Czagataj1234 on

    >Only ~0.1% of the Polish population is Muslim,

    Well, that’s the point. I’d really like it to stay this way.

  7. Responsible-Ant-1728 on

    I do find it funny that her main problem with muslims is that they belive in a diffrent religion.

    Also that sub feels like a cesspool. Poland is not the most liberal country but we are far from Nazi’s.

  8. JanKaszanka on

    ‘Only ~0.1% of the Polish population is Russian, with the situation being described as “Russophobia without Russians”.

    Gtfo kremlinbot

  9. Not true. We welcome everyone but you have to accept our rules. We are a Christian country. What did you expect?

  10. maupiwujek on

    I unironically recommend exploring r/movingtonorthkorea

    The level of absurdity and detachment there is better than any satire. An incredible yet terrifying corner of the internet.

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