1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:


    • ⁠Verbal IQ predicts political attitudes twice as strongly as performance IQ.
    • ⁠The importance of verbal IQ remains within-families.
    • ⁠The verbally tilted are more likely to vote and report civic engagement.
    • ⁠g is the not the only component of cognitive abilities relevant to attitudes.

    From the linked article:

    A new study published in Intelligence (PDF) has found that verbal intelligence—skills related to language, reasoning, and understanding—more strongly predicts voting, civic engagement, and political ideology than non-verbal (performance) intelligence. Researchers found that verbal intelligence has, on average, twice the influence of non-verbal intelligence on these socio-political attitudes and behaviors, even after accounting for education and family upbringing.

    Edwards and his colleagues found that verbal IQ was consistently a stronger predictor of socio-political attitudes and behaviors than performance IQ. On average, the relationship between verbal IQ and socio-political attitudes was about twice as large as that of performance IQ.

    Individuals with higher verbal IQ were more likely to vote in elections and participate in civic activities while being less inclined to endorse traditionalist and authoritarian values. They also tended to hold more liberal social attitudes and support egalitarian views.

  2. DoktorSigma on

    Ah, so there may be a scientific basis for my perception that liberals talk too much?

  3. MyRedundantOpinion on

    I can assume that the test subjects were either sciences and arts or jock athletes

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