AT&T schlägt Texas-Mann mit 6.000-Dollar-Rechnung für die Nutzung von 3 GB Daten vor


  1. PoetOk9167 on

    AT&T lost all of their users data recently. How about you spend money on protecting your customers? Fucking morons.

  2. MachineryZer0 on

    Something isn’t adding up. I used to work for ATT and sometimes wild bills like this would come up. If they weren’t a repeat offender, we’d simply fix the bill.

    I remember specifically a lady with like a $900 phone bill due to international calls. This was her second or third bill like this and we were *still* able to lower it substantially (not completely), even though she had been warned previously.

  3. snuffleupaguslives on

    The worst part is not the error they made on the bill but how this customer was treated afterwards.
    I get the idea this kind of stuff is going to be the norm.

  4. _hypnoCode on

    I had an $8,600 bill from AT&T for data back on my first smartphone. They reversed it in about 10 minutes after a call.

    I know several other people who have had similar things happen to them too.

    Why is this “news”?

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