Häufigste ethnische Zugehörigkeit weißer Nordamerikaner nach Landkreis/County-Äquivalent

    Von Mission-Guidance4782


    1. cricket_bacon on

      For anyone in North America to claim *just a single* ethnicity is a bit of a stretch.

      We are mutts. Plain and simple.

    2. why’d you fold the not at all significant proportion of the population who lists their ethnicity as “American” into English?

    3. Beneficial_Spray1908 on

      I wonder what’s up with the portuguese outside of the bay in CA

    4. Aspirational1 on

      Why do northern Americans get obsessed over this issue?

      It was 400+ years ago that some inhabitants arrived voluntarily.

      You never see ethnicity divided into African countries, for those whose fore bears were forcibly extracted from those countries.

      Instead, it’s always white, wealthy, christians wanting to claim some european heritage.

    5. Can confirm that Norwegian area between North Dakota and Minnesota, that’s exactly where my Norwegian grandmother grew up

    6. those with british ancestry are more southeast, and northeast is more melting pot

      and west is so away from that they dont have any particular ancestry

    7. VikingHussar on

      In the U.S., Nevada, Mississippi and Arkansas are all English, while Nebraska is all German. In Canada, BC, Newfoundland and the three Territories are all English, while Prince Edward Island is all Scottish.

    8. even in alabama where they are very insular and have that british looking face they dont associate with britain

    9. CourtSuspicious657 on

      What surprises me is how diverse Michigan in European ethnicities. I’m from one of those orange counties in West Michigan and it’s predominantly Dutch here. While I went to college in Michigan I had a yooper of Finnish descent, a roommate of French Canadian descent, and your typical assortment of Anglo and Germanic backgrounds.

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