Johnny Somali „hat große Angst“, dass ihm noch mehr Gefängnis droht, nachdem die Polizei sein Telefon gestohlen hat – Dexerto


    1. What is Legal Mindset’s source for all this information? I’m glad that Johnny Somali could get punished but all these articles from Dexerto just source him and it’s starting to feel purely like a promotion for his YouTube channel.

      Believe me, I want this guy to get the book thrown at him but if there’s articles that have flimsy sourcing, it’s just going to get people’s hopes up leading to disappointment/anger.

      Edit: I’ll add that at one point Johnny had a Discord that had some more information but it’s been deleted for about a month now so it’s really unclear where this new info is coming from. It just seems like conjecture/assumptions based on pre existing information. The sub should have a higher standard for news sources because this is just ragebait/self promotion.

    2. CitizenLoha on

      Good. Fuck him, let him rot.

      He is a shitty person, doing shitty things. Now he can rest in shit.

    3. beanutbrittle on

      Can we stop upvoting Dexerto’s coverage of him? Low quality journalism and clickbait on basically no real updates

    4. OwnCurrent7641 on

      He has been posting videos of FUCK AROUND phase in the past, now we are all mildly satisfied watching his FIND OUT phase. Enjoy!

    5. Extinguish89 on

      Wants to be a nuisance and an attention seeking ssshole keep him in jail. Can be an asshole where US doesn’t care but boy is it nice when other countries do care how you act in theirs

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