Besorgniserregende Zeichen aus der Arktis. Wissenschaftler sehen Veränderungen, die Folgen für den gesamten Planeten haben könnten.


  1. BeltfedOne on

    If the Atlantic circulation stops, what is going to happen? No warm water to the Arctic. What happens then?

  2. slyfoxsensei on

    Wild that some people still believe this doesn’t impact the average person…

  3. lacunavitae on

    Well the headline is worrying but its hard to take them seriously.

    “The world is completely fucke…… please subscribe to hear why”

    I mean you can afford to have one article free if its that serious.

  4. Ringworm4lyf on

    Is this new? I should have got into journalism, just repeat the same stories over and over, easy work.

  5. Responsible-House523 on

    I love my children – I just prefer my gas guzzling SUV. Sorry kids!

  6. Franklin135 on

    The world won’t worry until several billionaires have 10 feet of water in their multimillion dollar homes.

  7. Plane-Breakfast-8817 on

    We literally have the plot of “Stark” playing out before us including the billionaires preparing to leave the planet.

  8. ToddBradley on

    I’m sorry, younger generations. I only have about 20 years left on this earth, which is also the best estimate of when things become really fucked.

  9. Unless China and India make massive changes then it will only harm us to attempt to fix this ourselves.

    Better to prepare for the changes, even if by doing so we accelerate them

  10. The whole planet will still be here. Only humans will perish the way things are going. You just need to see around you to see how the weather is changing and ecology is affected. Entire animal kingdom is in disarray. Pou population is spreading like cancer, eating, and destroying everything in its path.

  11. JustOldMe666 on

    this article says over and over “scientists can’t predict what will happen”.

    so to all you who villify people who don’t pay attention to this drama, that’s why. Earth is ever changing, and if humans die out, why are you so concerned? Mother Earth will recover without us.

  12. At this point we deserve what we get. It’s a shame for the other innocent species but some will adapt.

  13. RangerMatt4 on

    I’ve been hearing this since 93. We are already into the consequences.

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