Wenn Bern so hoch liegt, was ist dann mit Zürich?💀


Von therealnatural1337


  1. redsterXVI on

    So they quote Numbeo 2024 as the source. However, I can’t specifically find a list of capitals. But considering they say NYC = 100.0, their source isn’t really a list of capitals anyway. This seems to be the closest and most likely match:

    But the numbers don’t match at all.

    Edit: oops, the 2024 mid-year data actually matches (didn’t see those but only the 2024 data before): https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings.jsp?title=2024-mid&displayColumn=1

    So yea, they think Zurich is the capital of Switzerland.

    However, the real question remains: what is Numbeo’s source?

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