Diese Veranstaltung sollte in der Schule unterrichtet werden ….

Kehren wir nun in die Gegenwart zurück und sehen in Echtzeit, wie die USA in einen Krieg mit dem Iran hineingezogen werden.


Von myaccountcg


  1. Serious-Top7925 on

    The existence of an Israeli state poses a permanent threat to peace in the Middle East that will only be resolved with the complete annihilation of Arabic civilians in the region. their leadership represents the closest thing we have to a modern day German party from the 1930s. Research the Balfour Declaration, the British were forced by the Rothschild family into establishing the state of Israel. Netanyahu funded Hamas to overthrow the Palestinian government, allowing the justification of occupation by declaration themselves peacekeepers. Unfortunately Greater Israel will be realized unless support by the west is cut off, probably within our life times. especially because Israeli lobbies are continuing to go after media that don’t censor the topic – which allows us normal folk to understand that Zionists are an evil people.

  2. MrBigglesworth-01 on

    I remember when Israel’s ancestors used Roman Law to nail the Christian Messiah to a cross

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