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Von No_Business5419


  1. ElectronicRabbit7 on

    rest assured that it won’t be good for anybody but the CCP.

  2. Serpentongue on

    Their giving Congress notice to be truthful about the orbs and drones or they’ll spill the beans instead

  3. Dropitlikeitscold555 on

    They are finally admitting they have no idea where General Tao’s chicken came from.

  4. kingofmankind on

    It’s so serious it can wait until Friday. Best day to be fired-up.

  5. Between drones, quantum computer, fusion, artificial sun it could be anything

  6. LouMinotti on

    Didn’t they have some breakthrough with carbon /graphene recently? I thought I heard something about last week

  7. twpmeister on

    They’ve probably discovered the Intergalactic Intranet as predicted by Clif High

  8. They’ve been close to cold fusion for a few years now. So probably a battery with cold fusion or a sentiment AI. Can’t believe we have quantum chips and stuff now

  9. EsotericRonin69 on

    Russia announced a cancer cure maybe china has something similar

  10. libretumente on

    Lol announcing the announcements is such dumb played out bait at this point. Carry on fam

  11. youmustbeanexpert on

    They found the transformers ship on the dark side of the moon.

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