- Erhöhtes Risiko durch Pfizer-BioNTech-Impfung:
- Kinder mit Pfizer-BioNTech geimpft ohne vorherige SARS-CoV-2-Infektion waren Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Infektion ist um 159 % höher und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, symptomatisch an COVID-19 zu erkranken, um 257 % höher im Vergleich zu ungeimpften Kindern ohne Vorinfektion:
- Hazard Ratio (HR) für Infektionen: 2,59 (95 %-KI: 1,27–5,28).
- HR für symptomatisches COVID-19: 3,57 (95 %-KI: 1,10–11,63).
- Kinder mit Pfizer-BioNTech geimpft ohne vorherige SARS-CoV-2-Infektion waren Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Infektion ist um 159 % höher und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, symptomatisch an COVID-19 zu erkranken, um 257 % höher im Vergleich zu ungeimpften Kindern ohne Vorinfektion:
- Vorherige Infektion bietet robusten Schutz:
- Kinder mit einer früheren SARS-CoV-2-Infektion (ungeimpft) hatten im Vergleich zu ungeimpften, infektionsnaiven Kindern ein deutlich geringeres Risiko einer erneuten Infektion:
- HR für Infektion: 0,28 (95 %-KI: 0,16–0,49).
- HR für symptomatisches COVID-19: 0,21 (95 %-KI: 0,08–0,54).
- Kinder mit einer früheren SARS-CoV-2-Infektion (ungeimpft) hatten im Vergleich zu ungeimpften, infektionsnaiven Kindern ein deutlich geringeres Risiko einer erneuten Infektion:
- Keine Schutzwirkung durch Impfung allein:
- Es gab keine signifikante Verringerung des Risikos einer Infektion oder einer symptomatischen COVID-19-Erkrankung für geimpfte Kinder (Moderna oder Pfizer-BioNTech) im Vergleich zu ungeimpften Kindern:
- HR für Infektion allein durch Impfung: 1,23 (95 %-KI: 0,69–2,16).
- HR für symptomatisches COVID-19 mit alleiniger Impfung: 1,61 (95 %-KI: 0,65–4,03).
- Es gab keine signifikante Verringerung des Risikos einer Infektion oder einer symptomatischen COVID-19-Erkrankung für geimpfte Kinder (Moderna oder Pfizer-BioNTech) im Vergleich zu ungeimpften Kindern:
- Booster zeigen keinen nennenswerten Schutz:
- Unter den Kindern, die mindestens eines erhalten haben bivalente Auffrischungsdosises gab keine nennenswerte Reduzierung bei einer Infektion oder symptomatischem COVID-19:
- HR für eine Infektion mit einem bivalenten Booster: 0,74 (95 %-KI: 0,37–1,48).
- HR für symptomatisches COVID-19 mit einer bivalenten Auffrischimpfung: 1.04 (95 %-KI: 0,37–2,96).
- Unter den Kindern, die mindestens eines erhalten haben bivalente Auffrischungsdosises gab keine nennenswerte Reduzierung bei einer Infektion oder symptomatischem COVID-19:
- Pfizer-mRNA-„geimpfte“ Kinder erkranken deutlich häufiger an COVID-19 als ungeimpfte Gleichaltrige
Von No-Match6172
SS: More and more evidence dripping out that the mRNA jabs were a debacle. Neither safe nor effective. They need to get off the childhood schedule ASAP.
Im a teacher and I’ve noticed a distinct slowness in kids recently. They seem to react and take in information much slower than before
Verses cannot be cured with ‘vaccines’.
Probably because they have “Covid cautious” parents who are still paranoid, isolated and testing regularly.
[Here is the actual study](https://academic.oup.com/jpids/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jpids/piae121/7917119?login=false), in case you want to go to the source instead of relying on someone else to tell you what it says.
From the abstract:
>There was no difference in risk by vaccination status. While vaccines reduce severe disease, they may not reduce SARS-CoV-2 infections in young children.
It’s notably a much weaker statement than the article indicates in their key takeaways.
Another bit to pay attention to is the sample size and confidence intervals on the given table. They are very small and very large, respectively. 1.1-11.6 for your 95% CI feels like it probably shouldn’t have been published at all, at least not until more data could be analyzed.
If we are taking the small sample size at face value, though, the data clearly indicates that the Moderna MRNA vaccine is incredibly effective, seeing an infection rate at 67% of those that are unvaccinated. So the real takeaway is that everyone should get the Moderna vaccine, because the data says so.
Or it’s just small sample size noise, and the website is cherry-picking to push a narrative.
Here’s the interesting bit from the manuscript:
“Interestingly, among participants without evidence of prior infection, those vaccinated with PfizerBioNTech were more likely to have SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 compared to those who were naïve and unvaccinated. This may be partly due to the fact that only 28% of children who were vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech received a bivalent Omicron-containing Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, either as the third dose of the primary series (80.6%) or as an additional booster (19.4%). Further research is needed to assess vaccine effectiveness against infection for this age group for updated 2023-2024 vaccines.”
This implies that those children vaccinated with the PfizerBioNTech vaccine had an *increased* probability of becoming infected by COVID.
EDIT: chance -> probability
Relax, they’ll change the meaning of vaccine again to counter it
Never forget, never forgive, never comply. Defund NIH CDC FDA, prosecute fauci and pharma.
Also those willing to get vaccinated are more likely to go get tested
Well believing in covid is definitely a prerequisite to getting covid, so it makes sense. Also with the fucking up your immune system
All of my “vaccinated” friends keep getting it but my husband and I (both un-vaxed) have not had covid.
CanDida Albicans… The CROWN JEWELS of a Bioweapon that when entering your body as a PARASITIC host undetectable of course mimics most if not all COVID related symptoms but also that of many other chronic conditions… HIV perhaps… Look up Fauci’s involvement in AIDS research and all that it will surprise you
But when you die from covid after vaccination your death is far less dead than if you didn’t. Understand?