Sah Nene Tereza wirklich so aus?

Von 6xxxxxxx9


  1. HealthyTry5049 on

    shume k… kane pare dokumentarin e Hitchens dhe na cane trapin duke folur keq per Nene Terezen.Kjo te pakten ndihmonte ata qe si prekte njeri me dore,i jepte nje dore gjelle,i lanin,i shplaninjo si ai qe i binte bythes dhe gjykonte te tjeret

  2. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

    Not that I care much about her but making a vagina statue of her is not very nice.

  3. Me mirë mos ta kishin bër fare, as vet nënë Tereza sdo ta pranonte keshtu siç e kan bër kta budallenjtë.

  4. I always laugh when I see this at Tirana airport, as a designer myself, who even approved this? At least they could have colored her robe blue.

  5. Gjumashhhh on

    Bro, who’s the sculptor? 😂they definitely had fun making this

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