Berichten zufolge halfen die UAV-Piloten der 95. Angriffsbrigade der Ukraine dabei, Angriffe nordkoreanischer Infanterie in der Region Kursk abzuwehren, indem sie sowohl Munitionsabwürfe als auch FPV-Drohnenangriffe einsetzten. Veröffentlicht am 17. Dezember 2024

Von Voldesad


  1. aJumboCashew on

    As stated in another post, “_North Koreans seem to lack drone awareness_”

  2. Glad-Lack-2475 on

    Hi. It is offtop here but i really need u help to find video where a russian war correspondent (girl) speak about explosions on donbass, but after her speech cameraman shows that in the room there are some people who imitate the sound of explosions.

    I really can’t find this video but i am sure i watched it here.

  3. Imagine this being your first peek into the western MIC, drones everywhere watching everything you do, while others drop/fly explosives into your comrades & others that spit out fire….. Not to mention all the other advanced materiel(armour, artillery etc.)

    Meanwhile your brother is having a nervous breakdown because he couldn’t find enough grasshoppers to make it through the winter.

  4. Those soldiers will go into some advanced position. How will they obtain food and ammo delivered in those positions?

  5. GildoFotzo on

    north-fucking-koreans “fightin” in Europe. If I had said that in 2022, I would have been declared crazy, because the great Russia would NEVER need such a thing.

  6. swefnes_woma on

    Good to see the North Koreans are getting training from Russia in their foolproof “unsupported assault across open terrain against entrenched enemy” technique

  7. Union_9_Link on

    North Koreans don’t seem to have any kind of amor or artillery support. Just a bunch of infantry moving in broad daylight on open field. Not even proper winter camouflage.

  8. I wonder what their target was.

    Was it big enough to explain the requirement of the number of foot soldiers?
    Was is small enough that these foot soldiers could take over?
    Was it small enought that they could take it over but big enough to house them afterwards?

  9. I read somewhere today that the North Koreans soldiers are accidentally shooting Russian troops because they can’t tell the difference between Russian and Ukrainian.

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