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Silly rabbit, it has to be the GUNS fault.
It’s always mental health. If someone wants to unalive someone or themselves they’ll find a way. If no gun is available then a car, if no car then a hammer. There’s always a weapon laying around.
You’re not wrong, but that doesn’t serve their narrative.
Been banned from that thread! Think I disagreed with a pro Kamala post or some shit lol
I got a warning from Reddit for a similar statement. Soft as Charmin.
[Now the bot is gaslighting me.](https://imgur.com/a/OknfPGx)
lol not surprised. Its not the allowed anti gun propaganda
Doesn’t fit the narrative and this is Reddit.
I posted on Biden and Kamila they banned me.
IMHO, front page subs are perma pushing far left narratives. You dared introduce a non compliant bit of narrative and were denied further interference with their operation there. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Government has successfully implanted their bogeyman in the minds of gullible people. There’s no coincidence getting rid of that bogeyman means a massive power shift from the individual to government.
What happened here is a prime example of mental health obliterated. Government will never address the real problem if it means an ounce of gained power for them.
What does shait mean?
You got banned for being an r/conspiracy regard, not for the content of your post.
Lots of subs don’t want the highly regarded participants of this sub to be involved in theirs, so whatever, take the L and move on.
This happened to me yesterday except i got banned because i was a member of a sub that i guess the mods didnt approve of🤣🤣
Mental health is a joke in this country he or she or them or whatever is absolutely correct
Why is it so prevalent in the US? Other countries citizens have guns, watch the same movies and listen to the same music etc. but don’t have neatly the same shooting numbers. I don’t understand how there can be so many.
I hate to sound like this – but does anyone else find it extremely convenient that
1. New presidency is about to take effect
2. We are in the middle of MASSIVE amounts of UFO sightings
It may not be an intended distraction, and may be an extremely unfortunate coincidence, but it seems these things happen amidst other attention-consuming events too often.
As Obama said “these kinds of things don’t happen in other countries”
That’s correct, they are uniquely staged here, in an endless and repetitive series of hoaxes, in the fakest country on Earth.
The pics sub wants sticks and stones banned too….
That entire sub has been hijacked by weirdos
If you want proof that the drug industry has a lock on the media, here you go.
Well, its a false or incomplete comment. Also, why talk like that?
I would have said “Seems like mental health is becoming more of an issue”.
You come off hill billy or white trash in my opinion.
We are not talking about mental health/healthcare anymore because then people might get the wrong impression the left intends to do something to help it.
Yesterday I got perma banned from justiceserved because I commented on this sub. I’ve never interacted with justiceserved. I didn’t even know the sub existed until I got banned from it.
How much do you want to bet that the shooter was on an SSRI?
I can still hear Alex Jones on the Piers Morgan show: “MASS MURDER PILLS, SUICIDE PILLS!” – and as usual, he wasn’t wrong – he just knew the facts before anyone else.
I had to leave that sub because of how political is was. Like ffs I just wanted to see cool photos and instead it’s just like the Kamala Harris sub 💀
Can we talk about video games? How is it not further forward in peoples understanding of this phenomenon.
How dare you say shait
Because something is causing this increase in shootings, and the people using them as a soapbox to push their agenda don’t want you to find out what it is.
20+ years ago, a school shooting was a rare national tragedy, and not long before that, it was normal for people to drive their trucks to school with a loaded gun in it and nobody cared, nothing happened. Guns have also become more heavily regulated(in spite of the constitution) and generally more expensive. It isn’t the guns that are the problem, but they’re all anybody talks about.
It’s toxic leftist sub. I was banned as well
There has to be some past comment history context were not getting /s
SSRI drugs 💯
Make schools hard targets. Let teachers conceal carry
The ones at the top do not want mentally afflicted Americans to get well. They want to create a culture of fear. Fear leads to giving away your rights for “””””protection”””””. Good luck entrusting your safety to a cabal ruled by humans.
I commented “FED larp” on a Jan 6th post in that sub awhile ago that got me banned for the reason of “Fck off nazi scum”