Russischer General kommt bei Angriff in Moskau ums Leben


    1. The-first-laugh on

      SS: This is from a Netherlands paper, hence the language used is Dutch, kindly use Google translate.

      Russian general Igor Kirillov was killed in a bomb blast in Moscow alongside his assistant. The bomb was placed in an electric scooter.

      Igor was the commander of Russian chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. This comes just a day after Ukraine charged Igor of using chemical weapons on Ukrainian soldiers.

      Just last week, Ukrainian secret service has allegedly killed a Russian rocket scientist and for Russia, Ukrainian secret service is the biggest suspect.

    2. No_Regular_Klutzy on

      >Igor was the commander of Russian chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.


      >This comes just a day after Ukraine charged Igor of using chemical weapons on Ukrainian soldiers.

      I love that Ukraine now uses deterrence to stop the Russians from doing stupid shit. It started with pilots and rocket launcher commanders, but they are getting more emboldened.

    3. wappingite on

      I can’t see how this all ends. Ukraine has no choice but to attempt asymmetric warfare like this. If Russia takes more territory and kills more in retaliation they’re just radicalising an entire nation.

      I can’t begin to imagine the range of things I’d feel if a loved one was killed by an invading enemy nation’s forces. I can imagine feeling like I had nothing to lose though.

      Russia seems to be wilfully walking into a situation where their nearest neighbour has generations of people who are out for blood and will sacrifice themselves for it. But they’re treating Ukraine as if it were Chechnya and they can somehow keep a lid on the end result with a strongman leader, fearful population and a decade of time.

    4. Alternative_One_8488 on

      How do they have the assets to do this in Moscow? The FSB seems weak and exposed

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