Veröffentlicht am 15./16. Dezember 2024.

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Dieses Video dient ausschließlich Bildungs- und Informationszwecken. Es soll weder Gewalt verherrlichen noch dazu ermutigen. Es dokumentiert lediglich die brutale Realität des Krieges. Dem Zuschauer wird Diskretion empfohlen! Denken Sie an Regel 1!

Von GermanDronePilot


  1. ValuableFarmer6574 on

    It’s crazy to see them face the drones until the end and shoot at them, saw lots of videos with bullets flying right by the camera. It’s really insane to see the difference between them and the Russians in the way they “handle” drones.

  2. dux_bellorum on

    Surprisingly large number of strikes that appears to be misses. It feels like those guys are equipped with something like “personal jammers”. Those strikes might have still done the job, as they exploded in close proximity of their targets, but certainly not what we are used to seeing. Possibly this is some kind of new tactics that the russians are testing on the NK soldiers – equip everyone/most with the jammers, let them charge straight in the open field, no vehicles.

  3. Calm-Ad2948 on

    If they are DPRK troops then wide open flat terrain is what they’re used too: although dressed in dark camo on white snow covered fields is probably not. Training for meat assaults by fire – the Russians are training them well.

    With a number of vids being released last few days I’d say they are of DPRK troops, not Russians ones – Russians don’t walk out across fields like that, completely exposed. Maybe in WW1 they did, but not today.

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