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ISIS = Israel and the US, so makes sense.
Oh, God, no! We don’t even have a full 7 years to fix it! Oh, the humanity! Jesus Christ! It’s coming right for us! 5km per month! And it’s barely 408km up! Less than 82 months until impact! What do we do?! Tell me what to do!!!
Even if this is true, there’s a very small chance it actually does any damage when it lands. It will most likely crash into the ocean
Wait til you find out the ISS is in NASAs film and effects studio (one of the largest in the world on their property) and this is horseshit lol.
Spoiler alert: its safe and sound in the nasa neutral buoyancy lab where it has always been…
“The warning from Obamas leave the world behind coming true.”
…what does this even mean?
Ooh soo scary.
Memeflags never post anything of value. You probably posted this yourself. The space station? Really? Is it against the rules to tell you to fuck off?
Oh no! And what trail of just what could it ever leave in the heavens for the eye to watch?
Booshit booshit booshit
4chan, undisputable journalism
Can someone tell me where comments like this are being screenshotted from? I’ve seen this style of text and curious if it’s some sort of message board / other platform
Iss doesn’t exist
This such a load of shit, easily reparable, pressure in space is roughly -1 bar, basically the same as being 10m underwater, so stupid
Alright so…does anyone else remember the post from someone here(maybe a 4chan screen shot like this) maybe a year ago now, post claiming to be from the future or describing their vision of the next several years? I think much of it was about WWIII beginning and escalating but if I remember correctly, included some sort of alien/creature invasion and people forced into hiding to avoid these creatures?
One of the “markers” that the events were beginning to unfold was that the ISS would crash to the earth…would love to read that again if anyone knows what I am talking about.
Are they gonna crash it on Sydney Australia like they did in Gundam Wing? I hope so. I hate Sydney.
Homie legit took a plot from Gundam wing.
Inb4 Kessler syndrome and entire grid goes down
So much ridiculousness packed in here. One, the ISS isn’t ours. It’s a collaboration from many countries’ space agencies. Two, why would it crashing cause an American Civil War? Three, what the fuck does Obama have to do with any of it? Four, why would this drone thing have anything to do with a potential civil war and the Obamas? Five, why would a rando FEMA worker, of all things, have any inside info on this?
Every line is more ridiculous than the last and it gets more wack-a-do the more you read it. Shit like this is why we get a bad wrap but don’t worry JFK Jr is about to come out of his 25 year slumber and save us all. Give me a break.
!remindme 5 months
They would just permanently close the hatch to the Russian Segment. Not deorbit the vehicle.
How big is it? Is it bigger than Sky Lab that fell in the late 70s?
Pretty sure besides costing a lot of money the ISS falling down will cause no damage to anything at all.