Uisce Éireann wegen Chemieunfall verurteilt, bei dem Fische entlang eines 8 km langen Flussabschnitts in Cork getötet wurden


    Von qwerty_1965


    1. qwerty_1965 on

      Pathetic ongoing failures barely punished.

      The court heard that Uisce Éireann had not been previously prosecuted in relation to the Freemount plant but there had been 18 prosecutions for “similar incidents” between 2015 and 2024.

      Mr Coakley said that there were “a number of pending prosecutions” regarding Uisce Éireann. Judge Roberts said he was taking into consideration the guilty plea, the works in progress and the “legacy issues” and convicted and fined Uisce Éireann €3,500 with one month to pay, they were also ordered to pay €3,267 in legal costs.

    2. Hoodbubble on

      Uisce Éireann is state-owned though right? So when they’re fined for killing fish does it make any difference?

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