Selenskyj: Die Russen versuchen, die Verluste Nordkoreas zu verbergen


  1. ABoyNamedSue76 on

    I really doubt Kim cares. Not like those guys were ever going back. I mean maybe some of the officers, but your rank and file guys are there until they die. They are a commodity.

  2. WW3_doomer on

    >А зараз, після боїв із нашими хлопцями, росіяни ще й намагаються… буквально спалити обличчя вбитих північнокорейських військових.

    This is directly from the address. You could translate, could check his Telegram.

    He showed video with a soldier with head on fire (literally). This is how Russians try to hide North Korea loses. By burning their faces.

  3. Strepsiadic_method on

    “Here’s your entire squad back, Kim. All 10, ummm 9, all 9 soldiers you sent to us are headed home!   8, I meant to say all 8.”

  4. WhatACunningHam on

    It’d be hilarious if the answer is 0 because they refuse to leave their bunks after being introduced to porn.

  5. Direct_Wrongdoer5429 on

    If any were to go back, he would have them killed anyway. Too big of a risk, since they have now seen, heard, experienced the outside world.

  6. Livingsimply_Rob on

    What are you talking about? No, no Kim you only sent 8,000 soldiers not 14,000

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