Trump trifft sich mit dem CEO von TikTok, während das Unternehmen den Obersten Gerichtshof auffordert, das App-Verbot zu blockieren


  1. RedChileEnchiladas on

    I foresee a big payout and Trump will block the ban, ‘For America’, or some other nonsense.

  2. Tiktok already had their thumb on the scale to algorithmically favor Trump.

    He’d be a fool to inhibit them.

    They should be named or regulated though.

    At some point social media needs to be considered donations in kind for political campaigns. 

  3. papayabutterfly on

    Trump says “Line my pockets and I’ll give you anything you want.”

  4. Surfer_Rick on

    Wonder what insultingly low offer Trump will accept to sell out America to China, in addition to Russia. 

    What’s one more authoritarian state to have America in their pocket. 

  5. Optimoprimo on

    So he’s just gonna openly take bribes from every company that wants to avoid consequences huh

  6. I don’t understand why Microsoft hasn’t bought TikTok’s US operations when it was known it wouldn’t be allowed to remain with Bytedance. Both for keeping a competitor against Elon and for trying to get into the social media market, which so far has been elusive to MS.

  7. IamaFunGuy on

    I’m almost wondering if the one saving grace of all this is the Trump will get so freaking rich backroom dealing every damn thing in the world that he’ll shut up and go away finally. One can dream.

  8. Well, looks like Tik Tok will get whatever it wants. Trump is a pushover.

  9. Bytedance did pay the Indian govt 1b to undue their first ban… they’ll easily give him 5b to keep it going with some law that bytedance can stay owner forever…

  10. ElJefeGoldblum on

    How much money is Trump about to make in fealty payments in the next 4 years? Unreal.

  11. SpinyHedgehog14 on

    In other news, TikTok will be making a huge donation to Trump’s “campaign” funds and continue business as usual.

  12. jpsreddit85 on

    Think they’ll “donate” more than the million dollar fee the other tech companies have given?

  13. bluedevilb17 on

    I warned everyone on that app to tread carefully ever since the ceo met with musk nothing good will come from it not too long ago the new rule about criticizing the election told me they are most likely in bed together and its blatantly obvious

  14. Inb4 TikTok CEO pays $15 million to Trump’s inauguration fund and the ban is lifted by executive order.

  15. mrizzerdly on

    Isn’t there only supposed to be one president at a time? Can’t this orange asshole wait until Jan 21.

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