Veröffentlicht am 16.12.2024
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Dieses Video dient ausschließlich Bildungs- und Informationszwecken. Es soll weder Gewalt verherrlichen noch dazu ermutigen. Es dokumentiert lediglich die brutale Realität des Krieges. Dem Zuschauer wird Diskretion empfohlen! Denken Sie an Regel 1!
Von GermanDronePilot
~0:52 you can see bullets whizzing by the drone
Wow. Tracer fire. I haven’t seen that a lot in Ukraine videos, except from vehicles, and it’s cool to see it racing up towards the drones.
Poor fucking North Koreans, dying for two evil autocrats in the snow, far from home.
I love all your hard work and videos! However I’ll say this IS a repost, ONLY cause I was going to post this earlier about 7 hours ago but it was already up lol!
This is a repost from earlier minus Filthy Frank…..bring him back!
I havnt seen any proof these are north Koreans
How do we know these are North Koreans, we have gotten no proof so far (I think). It’s giving the same vibes as Russians calling every foreign fighter a ‘NATO Mercenary’