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Em şervanan Tûgaya Şehîd Nûbar Ozanyan wek şervan pêş bo parastina axa rojavayê didet û hemî şoreşa rojava bi parêzîn. Li pêş wan em komkujiya bi sekinîn. Em wek şervan Şehîd Nûbar Ozanyan em hat cihê xwe diden li qadê cehdê em digirin. Li pêş wan parastina axa me û gelê me û hemî heval li qewmiyet yekîn!
We, the warriors of the Şehîd Nûbar Ozanyan Brigade are on the front to protect Western Kurdistan and the revolution. Before them [our people, Kurds, Armenians], we are ongoingly preventing a genocide. As with the warrior Şehîd Nûbar Ozanyan, we stand firm in the field of struggle. Before them, we are protecting our lands as with our people, and as comrades we are one in this nation!
Translated by me, Bamernê
Armenians, as brothers and sisters in arms we both share a common struggle, for our language, culture and rights in particular our right to self-determination. We’ve been subjugated under the rule of various empires that came and went and during those times, we’ve protected ourselves together and together we endeavoured to resist persecution. Until now, our mutual-enemies are clinging their hands onto our lands and oppressing our identities that had stood on these mountains for centuries. We have always lived together despite our hardships. We wanted to be left alone in peace, but our enemies did not want us to have peace. We were turned on each other purposefully for the interests of our oppressors, as it was seen during the Ottoman period. They’re intimidated and frightened by our mere existence. However as of now, we are standing shoulder to shoulder, withstanding this evil. We shouldn’t subject ourselves to consuming the propaganda perpetrated and knowingly propagated by our enemies to divide us, we will not be susceptible to this nonsense. We will not capitulate, nor be defeated, we will be relentless and ruthless!
Կեցցե Հայաստանը
These are the descendants of Armenian immigrants who lived in this land and safeguarded their identity for hundreds of years under the protection and tolerance of the Syrian Arabs and now you have the guts to threaten and call them merciless and cruel?
In any case, the YPG won’t remain without US support and they’re unable to support themselves locally (hence why they resort to things like forced conscription even among children and shooting protestors), you guys are, as the Arabs say, ibn al-waqt, i.e. a problem that will be solved with the passing of time.
Kurds are one of the few people who are always positively suprised and show support if you tell them that you are armenian. I never had a bad interaction with them even though we had a rough past with them during the genocide
gl with these hamidiyes, milleti sadika.
I’m so confused.
Yeah yeah I don’t buy for this stuff, it’s probably kurdish militias who killed part of my family since my ancestor’s village is now fully kurdish . If I like a kurdish (or a turk) it’s as individual, for their quality as good human being, but I don’t think that our people as a whole have really much stuff in common, nor any sense of brotherhood .
wtf? Loool wasn’t it the Kurds with the Ottomans that carried out the Armenian genocide. Merciless and cruel Arabs? Looool [The Arab population was the only population in Ottoman Empire that actually aided the Armenians and integrated them into society](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2015/4/24/how-arabs-reached-out-to-armenians-amid-1915-massacre)
as an arab-armenian i’m genuinely grossed out by that caption. fym cruel arabs? they let us into their countries when everyone else turned their back on us. come on now
For those who don’t know, Kurdish followers of Abdullah Ocalan have long acknowledged the reality of the Armenian Genocide and the Kurdish role in perpetrating it. Ocalan has publicly called for Turkish acknowledgement and discusses the genocide in his writings.
I’ve also heard that basic training courses for YPG fighters in Rojava/Northern Syria includes the basic history of the genocide.
who’s ganna tell him
Merciless Arabs?? There’s so many Armenian genocide survivors in my city of Aleppo who sought refuge from the Ottomans, and they are treated with nothing but love and respect.
Barbaric cruel merciless arabs?
C’mon that’s just generalization and racist
Wait until you find out who helped the Turks commit the Armenian genocide
Remove this brain-dead title. Wtf is that ?!