Aufnahmen der 17. mechanisierten Brigade der Ukraine, die mehr von der nordkoreanischen Offensive in der Region Kursk zeigen

    Von MilesLongthe3rd


    1. Kampfgeist049 on

      Damn, you can see by the reaction of those soldiers that they’ve never seen anything like this.

    2. BeltfedOne on

      “Infantry in the open…cluster rounds…fire for effect” Send it!

    3. Comfortable_Pea_1693 on

      what kind of norks did fat kim send? regular unlucky conscripts? his special forces since he wouldve wanted to ingratiate himself to putin?

      SK owes Ukraine one for the latter then.

    4. It just dawned on me…. They’ll finally have some soldiers that earned their own fucking medals.

      Ever notice how NK Generals are weighed down with a chest full of medals? I always wondered WTF the medals were for given that NK hadn’t been involved in any significant hostilities within the career of any military man still active. Eventually I found out that they’re authorized to wear the medals of their ancestors! So yeah, they’re quite literally strutting their grandpa’s shit.

      At least these guys will have earned something.

    5. BrandonQ1995 on

      Im finding it hard to believe that NK military planners can be this dumb. I would rather like to believe there’s a specific reason these troops were sent to die in an open field. But maybe it just comes down to a lack of empathy and care for human life much like Russia themselves.

    6. PsychologicalAngle36 on

      Imagine going back to 2021 and telling someone that in 2024 Ukrainians are killing North Korean soldiers in human waves in Donbass With 3D Printed Drones

    7. Sad-Attempt6263 on

      I…just don’t get the strategy here…like whats the aim to reach the opposite positions because I in my Lehman mind can see modern weapons feast on this type of assault. 

      What the fuck is their command structure thinking 

    8. howdidigetheresoquik on

      Is this just the same event that all the other NK videos on this sub are showing? Just different angle, different footage? It seems like all these videos of NK soldiers are in the same spot

    9. It’s fucking crazy to see north korean soldiers fighting in a war on european soil that isn’t even theirs.

    10. Cheekybrickie on

      I thought those lined up bodies were logs at first, but I changed my mind once I notice the legs and the heads and realized those were bodies instead

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