Der Premierminister von Alberta, Smith, ist bereit, die abweichende Klausel im Gesetzentwurf zur Transgender-Gesundheit zu verwenden


  1. >Speaking on her radio call-in show this weekend, Smith said she is willing to invoke the notwithstanding clause, a measure that allows governments to override certain Charter rights for up to five years.

    >”Because I feel so strongly about protecting kids’ right to preserve their fertility until they’re adults, we would, as a last resort, have to use the notwithstanding clause.”

    >”I hope it doesn’t come to that, but for sure, we would,” she said.

    I think it’s a little weird that there’s so much focus towards children and their ‘fertility’ going on here, instead of housing or affordability, but that’s just me.

  2. WeirdGuyOnTheTrain on

    Can’t wait until we bring back witch burnings. With the way things are going I give it 5 years.

  3. Wild_And_Free94 on

    While I can agree with the sentiment and think that permanent changes (hormones/surgery) should be prohibited until the age of informed consent, this is fucking stupid and incredibly harmful.

    I hope this fails and she gets her ass kicked out of office. There’s much more important things to focus on right now. Like housing and the cost of living.

  4. Zombie_John_Strachan on

    “We don’t think the courts should be allowed to protect the rights of individuals” says party of personal freedom.

  5. Garden_girlie9 on

    “CanADa is BRokEn”-Conservatives who are hyper focusing on taking away the rights of transgender.

  6. Take a page from the US folks – this issue will suddenly evaporate after the federal election cycle.

  7. Andrew4Life on

    This is ridiculous. Kids should have the right to do whatever they want.
    It’s time to eliminate the laws that put so many restrictions. If kids want to do something, they should be allowed to.
    We should allow…
    1) kids to drop out of school any time they want if as a teen.
    2) kids to gamble under the age of 18
    3) kids to buy and drink alcohol in public under the age of 19
    4) kids to buy cigarettes or weed under the age of 19
    5) kids to drive under the age of 16.

  8. RainDancingChief on

    I’m pretty terminally online but I don’t see or think about trans people and their goings on in my day to day unless someone else brings it up.

    Who has the time to care this much? Also why? These conservative parties think/talk more about trans people than actual trans people.

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