Staat kauft Citywest Hotel, um der Flüchtlingskrise zu begegnen

Von badger-biscuits


  1. Even-Space on

    This is getting completely out of hand. A massive waste of taxpayers money. Why do we take in the 3rd most asylum seekers in Europe after Cyprus and Greece?

  2. Competitive_Fail8130 on

    Migrant crisis is big business in Ireland – as reported by the Sunday business post we have spent 2.2billion on housing them in under two years to put that into context the total bill for children’s hospital is 2 billion

  3. Well, there goes any chance of the PDC World Grand Prix coming back to these shores then…

  4. SoloWingPixy88 on

    That’s a big old hotel that really wasn’t doing very well.

  5. Tetrarch bought Citywest out of receivership back in 2014 for €30m and the deal now is rumoured to be €100m.

    That’s on top of the €35m that the use of the hotel during Covid cost and €54m for the use for refugees.

  6. Important-Sea-7596 on

    Why don’t we buy all the hotels and put all the displaced people in them?

  7. bingybong22 on

    What a time to be in property. A golden age for sucking shysters!
    And people wonder what’s driving the cost of living here or why services are so shit despite our massive tax rates.
    Can you imagine the genius who came up with this idea? Is it just incompetence or corruption? I am actually inclined to think it’s incompetence

  8. boardsmember2017 on

    Great that the government have finally admitted this needs to be a permanent fixture. Won’t ever operate under the tourism umbrella again. State needs to be doing this on a greater scale to this however to deal with the flow of the migrant crisis.

  9. Always follow the money!! Haha, while gaslighting everyone else. And why not. It’s so easy to distract with easy identity politics. Guess who gains the most from this? The FFG buddies. Like the McEnaney family making millions. This country has gone to the dogs with the rufe corruption that’s going on.

  10. WorldwidePolitico on

    I think asylum is a nuanced issue, but regardless of your feelings on it, it’s clear the government (as is usual) have made a complete shambles of managing the issue and has let their incompetence compound. Their mismanagement of the asylum system has unfortunately become fertile ground for the far right or those that want to poison our democracy.

    Buying this hotel is just an admission the government doesn’t believe they’re going to be able clear the asylum backlog or meaningfully tackle the crisis in the near future. They’re not paying €100m for this hotel because they think a year or two from now it’ll all be resolved and they can run a bed & breakfast.

  11. Funny how when the State rents out accommodation for asylum seekers they’re accused of giving big paydays to the private sector instead of the public sector. But when they buy more for the public sector that’s a no-go too?

  12. whatThisOldThrowAway on

    Does this mean they’ll close lemongrass? They did a whopper bento box.

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