Schwedens Pornopräferenzen im Vergleich zur Strahlenbelastung durch Tschernobyl

Von Diligent_Resort7087


  1. Ishkahrhil on

    I like the island that received no radiation that still loves their hen-tie

  2. therealbonzai on

    Is Hentai overly popular in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? I am wondering…

  3. First-Can3099 on

    This is the confirmation I was looking for which proves beyond reasonable doubt that correlation does imply causation. Actually.

  4. MrFrankingstein on

    I won’t listen to anything about “logical fallacy”. This is undeniable evidence

  5. Zealousideal_Bee3309 on

    What does mature mean? I sure hope so they’re mature and not a kid.

  6. AffectionateYakX on

    I guess the further north the cold conserves people better?!

  7. Pretty unrelated but I didn’t realise how unfamiliar I was with the shape of Sweden without being able to see Norway as well lmao

  8. IchBinDurstig on

    Well, I’m glad there’s some kind of explanation for hentai.

  9. PhysicsAndFinance85 on

    Well… considering the kind of people into anime, I would call this plausible 🤣

  10. Moravac_chg on

    Okay, radiation explains the north. What’s up with Gotland? Is it the Danes?

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