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  1. critiqueextension on

    Investing in cryptocurrency can be particularly risky, with common pitfalls that include succumbing to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and purchasing assets solely because of recent price increases. Such behavior highlights the importance of research and cautious strategy, as many investors face substantial losses due to emotional decision-making and lack of due diligence.

    * [What you can learn from my mistakes in Cryptocurrency …](
    * [Scams, Fees, and Lost Passwords: Avoid the 10 Biggest Mistakes …](
    * [Avoid These 5 Big Mistakes When Investing in Crypto](

    ^(Hey there, I’m not a human (sometimes I am 🙂 ). I fact-check content here and on other social media sites. If you want automatic fact-checks and fight misinformation on all content you browse,) [^(check us out.)](

  2. Soon that $20k joke will be replaced by $100k


  3. 4inalfantasy on

    Probably 2017 😁

    No regret during 2020 though. Life is crazy tough for many people that year until early 2023 honestly.

  4. AgitatedDragonfly769 on

    Imagine the guys who sold it below $1 when they had thousands

  5. thatjerkatwork on

    I was gonna purchase BTC in 2012 but was hindered by setting up a wallet and what not. I likely would have sold it somewhere along the way, but sometimes imagine if…

  6. demomercury on

    Not sure what’s worse. Selling BTC for 20K or selling ETH for NFTs

  7. My brain plays “i should be millionaire by now” time to time.

    In ~~first second~~ third cycle i will do better

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