Die Welt ist in zwei gleiche Teile geteilt

Von can-u-fkn-not


  1. Game0fProbabilities on

    Although the population is huge, the birth rates have actually started falling in, at least, 2 of the largest (in terms of population). In India alone, it is below the replacement level in most of the states.

  2. Extension-Beat7276 on

    I think it would be interesting to divide the word into four parts, India, China and other countries in the sino sphere, “Christian” majority countries and “Muslim” majority countries.

    Here the labels doesn’t mean they necessarily followed the religion but rather influenced by the culture. For example one can use the OIC for Muslim majority countries, and perhaps the rest of Africa, NATO and Australia for the Christian part.

  3. Harmonic_Hawk_21236 on

    I’ve always wondered why birth rates were so high in that part of the world? Is it some weird effect of the Indian sub-continent smashing into Eurasia and creating the Himalayas which creates unique weather patterns in this part of the world that just put people into baby-making mode? Oh the mysteries of the universe…

  4. Blackbird4739 on

    It’s kinda insane that you don’t even need to include Indonesia in the red area to get to half the world’s population

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