Russischer Soldat wurde halbiert, nachdem er von einer Drohne angegriffen wurde

    Von Sk4hyv


    1. Low_Strawberry5273 on

      He had a grenade under him that he unpinned. He decided he had enough suffering

    2. Gonna need more seats at the Christmas festivities to hold all the parts left over.

    3. Outrageous-Egg-2534 on

      He was about bled out anyway, poor conscript cunt. First hit severed a femoral artery or both of them. About 8-10 seconds of that and you’re gone anyway. Surprised he had the strength and presence of mind to do finish it with one of his grenades.

    4. hey_ringworm on

      Stepped on a mine and then he finished himself off with a grenade… no drones involved here 

    5. Rough. No matter the reason he is on the battlefeik, a man lost his life.

    6. TheWatcher0_0 on

      On one side, Ukraine said that Russian are forced to serve and on the other side, they murder and video them.

      Despite all these, I think Ukraine is not winning the war.

    7. TheFkYoulookingAt on

      You need those entrails , boar meat and thistle to make sausages

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