Zusammenstellung seltener Filmaufnahmen der myanmarisch-burmesischen Junta und ihrer Verbündeten (Lisu-Milizen, Grenzschutzpolizei, Grenzschutztruppe, Warazup) im Kampf gegen verschiedene Widerstandskräfte (PDF [People’s Defense Force]Kachin-Unabhängigkeitsarmee [KIA]Arakan-Armee, Karen National Union, MNDAA usw.) [2021-present]

Von CaliRecluse


  1. CaliRecluse on

    In contrast to the resistance groups, the Junta is more tight-lipped about combat footage. In reality, they are losing big time except for the large cities (Mandalay, Yangon, Naypyidaw). In Rakhine State, they only stably control Sittwe (the capital), the Chinese-bought city of Kyaukphyu, and the island of Munaung. Soon, the Arakan Army will capture the township of Ann, but fighting is still going on there.

    Also, the Junta military use G3 and Galil clones as standardized weapons while the rebels and some junta militias use everything else. Only the Junta army wears this [specific camo](https://camohq.com/collections/burma-myranmar-camo-products). The resistance forces would rather wear UCP or Woodland patterns. However, I do not know if it has actual camouflage use since no Westerner has uploaded a video testing it (Brent0331 especially).

    Lastly, some of these militia are using a [grenade launcher fashioned from a Lee-Enfield](https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/11/08/the-burmese-ba-93-a-modified-lee-enfield-rifle-grenade-launcher/).

  2. Comprehensive-Line62 on

    PDF forces when they meet google Docs

  3. Cute_Magician_8623 on

    That one gun is filthy- dude can’t get more than 2 bullets through before it jams.

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