Die häufigste Religion in jedem US-Bundesstaat [OC]

Von Mission-Guidance4782


  1. CnCPParks1798 on

    I’m very surprised Protestants church’s aren’t a majority anywhere

  2. Nisi-Marie on

    There isn’t a single county that is more Muslim, Buddhist, or non-Christian based?

  3. goteamnick on

    I wonder if some of the tiny counties with inconsistent denominations to their neighbouring counties are just the result of a really talented minister.

  4. Lukey_Boyo on

    Dread it, hide from it, run from it, the Catholic Church arrives all the same

  5. MrAflac9916 on

    Really interesting how the Ohio River cuts off the Baptist majority entering Ohio and Indiana.

  6. PresidentHurg on

    They don’t do protestants over there? Or is that incorperated in the Lutherians?

  7. fortyfive-degrees on

    Surprised San Bernardino county in Cali isn’t at least plurality Adventist

  8. Utah is super mormon huh, i knew they were heavy mormon in some areas but that is a large population of mormons, had no clue haha

  9. This is strange. Several counties near me say mostly Catholic, but that doesn’t match the church goers I know. Although maybe it’s split up among smaller dominations?

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