„Rachekündigung“, die größte Angst der Arbeitgeber, wird voraussichtlich im Jahr 2025 ihren Höhepunkt erreichen



  1. Hashirama4AP on

    Seed Statement:

    Scott posits that if forecasts for a stronger job market in 2025 come to fruition, there is anticipation of a rise in “revenge quitting,” which he defines as pent up frustrations, where given the opportunity for an employee to move on to a new opportunity, they take it.

    The Glassdoor Worklife Trends 2025 Report finds that 65% of employees are feeling stuck in their current roles. If left unchecked, the report predicts that pent-up resentment will boil over, sparking a wave of “revenge quitting” in 2025.

  2. AgentGnome on

    Taking advantage of a better offer isn’t revenge quitting… it’s just common sense?

  3. Independent_Ad_2073 on

    Revenge quitting, are these assholes really trying to rebrand the open market as a bad thing?

  4. Dudeist-Priest on

    Revenge quitting is leaving when you know it’s going to hurt without notice.

    This is just leaving for a better opportunity.

  5. Bulky_Dot_7821 on

    This is just quitting. Nothing vengeful about it. If you aren’t getting paid what you think you’re worth and not getting recognition and find a better job, you take it.

  6. This is the dumbest article I’ve seen in a while. Taking a better opportunity in response to a bad experience is everyday living.

  7. Toaster-Wave on

    “Did you know that people sometimes quit their jobs and also apply to other jobs” I want whatever job pays to share brilliant observations like this

  8. rmatherson on

    How can someone get revenge without first getting fucked over?

    Literally admitting to exploitation and complaining about the consequences…

  9. This has to be some kind of propaganda to make people think the economy is ok. There’s no way a mass of people are going to start quitting next year, because anyone still employed just watched the people that participated in the so called ‘great resignation’ get laid off.

  10. Tasty-Window on


  11. Too me revenge quitting is when you get screwed by the company so you wait until it’s inconvenient and then you quit

  12. I would love to revenge quit my job but the greedy assholes that run the company would only be too happy to replace me with a cheaper unskilled contractor, which they will most likely do eventually anyway.

    The only people that would suffer are their customers. Management could not care less

  13. floopsyDoodle on

    Nothing like victim blaming. Corporations treat us like shit, and we’re at fault.

  14. This is attacking employees for leaving but when employers terminate a job with no notice that’s business as usual.

  15. Frustrateduser02 on

    It’s very nice to see these workers are thinking of the future and can afford to use their savings.

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