Heranwachsende Jungen können auch aggressiv reagieren, wenn sie glauben, dass ihre Männlichkeit bedroht ist – insbesondere Jungen, die in einer Umgebung mit starren, stereotypen Geschlechternormen aufwachsen. Mahood-Drohungen werden auch mit Sexismus, Anti-Umweltschutz, Homophobie usw. in Verbindung gebracht.



  1. Slow_Composer5133 on

    I mean it’s not exactly surprising that toxic cultural norms affect children as much as adults.

  2. tenaciousDaniel on

    They rated aggression by asking the boys to complete a word, like GU_

    Answers could be T, Y, N. Presumably, if the boys answered N, this would count as an “aggressive response”. This seems extremely flimsy to me.

  3. I never understood why some men are hyperobsessive with manliness, even if someone told them to do so. Do some neurotypicals function on “I was told that, so it must be true, cannot ever question what authorities told you”? My autistic brain just tells me to question and overanalyze everything.

  4. SomeGuyHere11 on

    I think that any science that attack masculinity is super good!!

  5. AtotheCtotheG on

    In the past I’ve said that it’s good to conduct studies even on what seem like obvious issues, because, if you want to have a productive conversation about a given issue, hard data is more useful and convincing than assumptions.

    “~~Walking bags of hormones and insecurities~~ Teenage boys are susceptible to pressure from social norms” is really testing my resolve on that point. But I’ll stand by it. For now.

    Edit: upon reading the actual experiment design, I’m (even) less sure. Word association? Really?

  6. Also? As opposed to what? In addition to what? This headline seems like it was ripped away from a conversation and left behind all necessary context.

  7. We used to live near the projects in a classic old NE city.  Everyone knew that if you got mugged by an adult, they are just trying to make rent. Give them what you have and no worries. But get mugged by a kid, and you should run, run fast.  They are likely terrified, but also trying to prove their manhood. It’s not about the money, but the violence and they are as likely to shoot you as rob you.  

  8. johnnadaworeglasses on

    Are the studies posted here representative of the science being conducted at universities? Virtually all seem to discuss gender differences or political differences. I haven’t been particularly impressed by the quality of the research I’ve seen. The studies seem like low budget, basic designs that high school students could conduct.

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