2070 wird ein großartiges Jahr für die ETH



  1. Extreme_Nectarine_29 on

    Memes aside there’s no way ETH will be 5000$ at 2070.

    It either will be 500.000$ or 5$

  2. founderofself on

    Hope eth dies out. Too much in gas fees . Ridiculous. Kill eth

  3. Never realized how he looks like a mixture of Mark Weins and Viktor from Arcane.

  4. OnlyKeyISeeToDefeatU on

    Ethereum is underwhelming

    Isn’t it getting crushed in use cases and performance by Tron? (Don’t downvote lol)

  5. EvenFlamingo on

    As long as eth is inflationary, the value of it won’t grow. The main thing about btc that make it rise and rise in value is that there will never me more coins than a certain amount.

  6. ETH blows because it costs me 80 dollars to get my 10 dollars back

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