Ist das deutscher Humor?

Von AlexDLopez


  1. Rhynocoris on

    Yes, this is the best joke a German has ever told, that doesn’t kill the listener outright. Thanks for making my day.

  2. dealbruder on

    The guy answering is anything but not french, his English is way too good

  3. Windred_Kindred on

    Bro been bait posting for months without anyone biting lmao.

  4. Amahagene1 on

    Nope, thats just someone beeing stupid.

    German humor is like that: comes a salesman to a farm and see’s a small kid. He ask him: where are your parents? The kid: killed by a tractor. Salesman: Thats horrible and your grandparents? Kid: killed by a tractor. The salesman skin whent white and he asks: what are you doing the whole day? Kid: driving a tractor 😅

    Or how about this classic: how many germans do you need to fix a lightbulb? Only one, we are efficent and dont have a sense for humor 😉

  5. -GermanCoastGuard- on

    I remember the meeting back then, when we all collectively sat down as Germans and put this very post into the Humorvolle Anekdoten Kommunikationsgesetz as one of the jokes to legally represent German humour internationally.

  6. BashSeFash on

    A Frenchman walks into a bar. Washing hands is required after using the restroom. So he leaves.

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