Die Schweizer Regierung lehnt die vorgeschlagene Erbschaftssteuer für Superreiche ab


Von BezugssystemCH1903


  1. TripleSpeedy on

    This is going to be fun….

    I can’t wait to see how the Swiss media handles this.

  2. Eskapismus on

    The proposal contains an exit tax and the way they want to enforce it is that every country in the world would somehow miraculously go up to the rich guys who just left Switzerland and take away 50% of his wealth (e.g. company) and somehow send it to Switzerland.

    Not sure why the initiative committee thought any country would play along. I think they didn’t think much further than “let’s punish rich people!!”

  3. onehandedbackhand on

    This is the problem with youth parties. They get virtually nothing done because their proposals are too extreme. Idealism before pragmatism.

    The government doesn’t even have to formulate a more nuanced counter-proposal as they are convinced this will fail at the ballot with a large margin.

    You will find many people will sympathize with an inheritance tax on the wealthy. Just make it reasonable.

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