Transhumanistischer Hyperisolationismus: Wir begrüßen eine technologiegetriebene Zukunft, in der wir den kollektiven Konsens zugunsten persönlich gestalteter Realitäten aufgeben, die Reibungen und externe Konflikte reduzieren und uns dazu zwingen, die philosophischen Grundlagen von Ethik, Wahrheit und Authentizität zu überdenken
So basically, we’re all getting DLC for our own realities?
“Extreme reinterpretation of stoicism” basically just means saying that stoicism means whatever the hell they want it to mean, right? Also, when the hell was the world NOT a “kaleidoscope of cultural constructs”? (Sidenote: I felt pretentious just quoting that). They said a million fancy words in this article but zero actual philosophical substance. How do they plan to achieve this? What does it realistically look like? Without that, and frankly even with that, this is just the confused mushroom-induced ravings of a lonely tech bro.
Good for you. I’m not going to be joining you, though.
Hyper-Isolationism imagines a future where individuals retreat into fully personalized realities, abandoning any need for external validation or shared consensus. What becomes of truth when it is entirely self-determined? Is there still meaning in ethics when it is no longer grounded in relation to others? If each reality is constructed solely by the self, does authenticity become redundant, or is it redefined? Can a life free from external friction still be a meaningful one, or does isolation render existence hollow? Does this path represent the ultimate freedom of the self or a descent into existential irrelevance?
This sounds like hell. I’d think that I’d rather not live on this planet anymore if human existence comes to this kind of inhumane social isolation.
I had no idea that constructing our own personal reality was such a modern capability.