Jüdische Brücke zwischen den USA und Aserbaidschan schließt Lücken vor Trump | Analyse – i24NEWS


Von Datark123


  1. American Jewry is demonstrating a willingness to become a bridge between the new US administration and Azerbaijan, one of Israel’s key allies after the United States. On December 11, the President of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Michael Tuchin, and incoming president Bernie Kaminetsky visited Baku.

    Previously, delegations of this level from AIPAC had not visited Baku, although relations between this leading Jewish organization in the US and Azerbaijan have always been positive.

    The sharp intensification of relations between the pro-Israel lobby in the US and Azerbaijan ahead of Trump’s inauguration likely indicates that relations between Washington and Baku will improve. Despite Trump’s proclaimed isolationist stance, it is clear, that the issue of Israel will remain central to the new administration’s foreign policy. 

  2. Sacred_Kebab on

    This is pretty ominous.

    There are still too many Armenians who don’t realize the key role Israel has always played against us.

  3. anniewho315 on

    Israel is the key reason for our demise in Artsakh and to our sovereignty.

  4. For those that don’t know, AIPAC has the entire US political establishment by the balls. When AIPAC says jump, everyone is Washington asks how high.

  5. Typical_Effect_9054 on

    **This is not an “analysis”**

    Regardless of what you think, do keep in mind the article history of the author here, these are their posts: https://www.i24news.tv/en/authors/avi-monakov. They only time they crawl from underneath their rock is to glaze Azerbaijan or shit on Armenia.

    They’re clearly on Azerbaijan’s bankroll.

  6. lightmaker918 on

    I completely understand the anti Israel setiment in Armenia given the weapons trading and am against that, but just so you know, as an Israeli the general population is very supportive and sympathetic to Armenians. We similarly face enemies on all sides and have a history of extermination against our people. I wish for success and peace to the Armenian people ❤️🙏

  7. Israel is going to support Azerbaijan for 3 reasons.

    Reason #1, Israel needs Azeri Oil and Gas.

    Reason #2, Israel sells a lot of weapons to Azerbaijan

    Reason #3, Israel needs Azerbaijan to attack Iran in the future.

    Armenia offers nothing in return to Israel. So fellow Armenians, keep your emotions under check. Become more valuable as a Diaspora and Country.

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