Die ukrainische Drohnengruppe „Birds of Madyar“ (414. Marine Strike UAV Regiment) verteidigt sich weiterhin mit Hilfe von FPV-Angriffsdrohnen gegen russische Infanterieangriffe. Erzählung von Robert „Madyar“ Brovdi. Veröffentlicht am 13. Dezember 2024

Von Voldesad


  1. Why are these guys always dropping a bunch of paper? What a shitty loot

  2. New_Response_7988 on

    I do support the Ukrainians trying to defend their homeland and I would do the same if it had come down to it as I’m sure most of you would too, but that one guy who checked on his team mates and helped carry the other wounded soldier went down fighting while the others ran away, I applaud his courage for staying in the fight, but nonetheless keep up the good fight Ukraine!

  3. Ok_Character6186 on

    You know it’s game over when they turn into a cloud of shit paper.

  4. DangusHamBone on

    Jesus, this is fucking bleak. I can’t imagine laying in a ditch, hearing the buzzing getting louder, having a bomb go off right by your head, somehow surviving, just laying there twitching and hoping the next one makes it quick.

    Why are there so many videos of Russians just defenselessly getting murked by drones? Do they not have enough ammo to shoot them down?

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