Zeigerelement: Konflikt um de lelyteelt


Von Despite55


  1. Generally I have high opinions or research journalism in the Netherlands, but this is an example of bad journalism:

    The broadcast is about local residents’ opposition to lily farming because of the use of pesticides. Not unusual because lily farming uses a lot of pesticides.

    In the broadcast, the presenter uncritically adopted and confirmed the fears of local residents. Municipalities were given the runaround for doing nothing against these (perfectly legal) pesticides.

    Samples of raspberries from the garden (“poison bombs”) and the contents of her vacuum cleaner were taken from a lady who lived near a lily field. These were examined in a lab for pesticides. Then things got interesting:

    No pesticides were found on the raspberries! But in her house dust as many as 16. But unfortunately (according to the presenter) it could not be said where those substances came from and more research would be needed.

    However, the results form from the lab came on screen and you could largely read what the results were:

    * Of the 16 substances, 13 were substances that occur in e.g. flea collars(!) and carpets. In 1 case to a fungicide used in orange cultivation. In 2 cases pesticides used in lily cultivation.
    * A total of 6.51 mg/kg of pesticides were detected. More than 92% of this had nothing to do with lily cultivation, but with the other 14 substances.

    So if one should be afraid of pesticides in the home at all, it concerns flea collars, far more than lilies.. But nothing was said about that.

    And interestingly, the lady in question could still find that she was against lily farming, despite the fact that nothing was found on her raspberries. This answer was accepted without any criticism.

    Clearly a bad piece of journalism that was more targetted at emotions and effect than on facts.

  2. gevaarlijke1990 on

    Zoals de politiek niet ingrijpt en de lelyteelt (Inclusief bestrijdingsmiddelen) in zijn huidige vorm compleet legaal zijn.

    Kun je de gemeente en toezichtinstanties niks kwalijk nemen. Hoe onrechtvaardig dit ook voelt.

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