Wie Sie es vielleicht getan haben lesenTonnen Flüssigkeiten werden jedes Jahr an Flughäfen beschlagnahmt. Mich interessiert sehr, warum so viele Leute diese Sachen im Handgepäck mitnehmen.

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For you who got 100+ml liquids confiscated through airport security control, what was the reason?
byu/manzare inNorway

Von manzare


  1. Historical_Buyer_406 on

    I tried to sneak through some sunscreen I had bought before arriving at the airport.

  2. danielv123 on

    As long as you travel from Amsterdam 1L bottles are fine. But then you sometimes have to go through security again for a connection, and then you have to throw away your drink if you haven’t drank it already.

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