BC-Premier Eby schließt eine Unterbrechung der Stromversorgung der USA nicht aus https://www.interior-news.com/news/bc-premier-eby-does-not-rule-out-cutting-power-to-us-7705629
Upper_Author_3965 on 13.12.2024 1:30 AM [BC Hydro imported a quarter of the province’s power in the last 12 months](https://globalnews.ca/news/10892803/bc-hydro-imported-quarter-power-12-months/amp/) Oh we’ll show them!!!
1 Comment
[BC Hydro imported a quarter of the province’s power in the last 12 months](https://globalnews.ca/news/10892803/bc-hydro-imported-quarter-power-12-months/amp/)
Oh we’ll show them!!!