Trump erwägt Grenells Rolle als Iran-Gesandter inmitten eines politischen Wandels

1 Comment

  1. Alarmed_Mistake_9999 on

    Submission Statement: Grennell is a fierce Trump loyalist who was considered for Secretary of State. His time as ambassador to Germany is not remembered fondly in Berlin.

    The fact that there will be any kind of envoy at all is a big deal. It shows the mutual desire for negotiations between Washington and Tehran, particularly over the nuclear issue- though the path to full normalization will be closed as long as Tehran still calls for the destruction of Israel and supports armed militias who threaten American servicemen.

    Commentary: Iran’s Axis is definitely not what it used to be, especially with Assad gone. The Houthis are probably the strongset proxy still out there. Iran does not seem in any mood for escalation, which means they are very unlikely to pursue nuclear weapons anytime soon. Whether a nuclear deal is possible, following the failure of the Biden Administration’s efforts, remains to be seen.

    Finally, would it be naive to expect that Iran is on the pathway to becoming a “normal” country, since the IRGC still maintains its revolutionary ideology, or is a fundamental shift a real possibility?

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