Jim Carrey würde wieder den Grinch spielen, aber nur ohne Make-up: „Es war ein äußerst qualvoller Prozess“



  1. SnooCupcakes14 on

    I’m really surprised that CG/motion capture hasn’t been used in conjunction with makeup/prosthetics as much as they should in film. It not only reduces the process time, but it’s also great for the actors’ sanity due to sitting in a makeup chair longer than you’re actually on set filming a scene in a given day.

  2. It just wouldn’t be the same. CGI just can’t compete with real makeup and prosthetics

  3. Blacknite45 on

    “Halloween Is Grinch Night” they should adapt this nightmare fuel

  4. MyThatsWit on

    You know, I’ve never heard Ron Perlman complain once about this shit and he’s done it for an entire career. Meanwhile Carrie’s been complaining about it consistently for 20 years, and was apparently such prima donna about it that the makeup artist needed to seek therapy to deal with the abuse Jim gave EVERYONE on set.

  5. DarthRathikus on

    Getting paid millions to sit in a chair for a few hours, in a temperature controlled space, while a team of assistants provides anything needed.


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