Woher kommt EU-Gas?


Von EUstrongerthanUS


  1. EUstrongerthanUS on

    The fall of Assad could provide a new opportunity for a “Levantstream”, a pipeline from the Gulf states to Europe. That would further diminish Moscow.

  2. bittenByTheIRONBUG_ on

    Others, North Africa, Norway, US all buy gas from russia and then sell it to others.😂

  3. SgtTreehugger on

    What an ugly graph. Why is it only two colors? What’s the point of labeling countries if you use the same color for each of them?

  4. Capital_Emotion_4646 on

    Someone needs more ga.. I mean F R E E D O M and. D E M O C R A C Y!

  5. Fun fact, Romania produced as much gas as Norway during the past couple of years.

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