Ich meine sie und viele andere "bekannt" Schweizer Nachrichtenseiten verbreiten seit dem 7. Oktober nichts als Propaganda von israelischer Seite, um diesen Begriff zu verwenden "Vorwärtsverteidigung" Wenn Israel während des Regimewechsels Syrien bombardiert und so viel Land wie möglich an sich reißt, ist das nur der Inbegriff von Heuchelei.
Von turtlenigma
uhhh….. thats not srf, thats der spiegel my friend
This article is from spiegel online….
That is Spiegel.de not SRF
Doesn’t make it any better of course.
When we say Switzerland is “neutral” we just mean “Act neutral no matter the horrors as long as it supports the socio-economic statu quo and western countries suppremacy even when defending war crimes”
Western countries aren’t the “Good guys” and Switzerland isn’t “neutral” and yes it also shows through media outlets as we can witness.
Edit: So many downvotes ? Where’s your neutrality guys ?
First of all, thats Spiegel, a german media outlet, second; just because YOU think somethings unfair, doesnt mean it is unfair. Dont come in here trying to stir up some political discussion because a media outlet said something you dont like
OP doesn’t even know which source he’s criticizing. And he’s pretty biased in this conflict too. /facepalm
This reddit post is hilarious in so many unfortunate ways.
From a quick glance, SRF only mentionned Israel in their “Ticker” on the overall war in the Middle East. https://www.srf.ch/news/international/nahost/krieg-im-nahen-osten-syrien-israel-bombardiert-ziele-in-damaskus-daraa-und-hama
And while they do give a few times the Israeli statements, they make it clear it’s Israeli statements
Bro, if you want to act all outraged, at least get the facts right. SRF? Really?
What is wrong with you? That is a german newspaper, not SRF
I guess we don’t watch the same SRF.
You’re complaining that Al Qaeda cannot get their hands on chemical weapons? What’s wrong with you
If they wanted to grab “as much land as humanly possible”, they would be the ones in Damascus by now.
Also it’s perfectly within the Golan-Heights agreement, which was set up as a protection zone between Israel and Syria. Since the deal was made with the former Syrian government and the situation being very unstable now, Israel doesn’t know if the agreement will be upheld, and since the Syrian army can’t uphold their part of the agreement at this time, Israel can take the demilitarized zone as a buffer.
Further, it’s in Israels interest to keep Irans grip out of Syria. It’s in everyones interest except Irans, otherwise we have another Lebanon, which isn’t good for anyone.