Leiche in schwimmendem Gepäck in Sliema Marina gefunden


https://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2024-12-09/local-news/Police-find-body-in-a-suitcase-in-the-sea-close-to-Manoel-Island- 6736266400

Wie die Polizei bestätigte, wurde im Meer vor der Promenade von Sliema Ferries eine Leiche in einem Koffer gefunden.

Die Polizei wurde vor Ort alarmiert, als der Koffer gegen 13.30 Uhr herumschwebte, teilte die Polizei in einer Erklärung mit

Als die Polizei es herausholte und öffnete, stellte sie fest, dass sich darin eine tote Person befand.

Die Identität des Opfers muss noch geklärt werden.

Die Times of Malta berichtete später, dass der Fall als Mord behandelt werde, und zitierte Quellen, die davon ausgingen, dass das Opfer kürzlich getötet und die Leiche in einer Tasche an einem anderen Ort aufbewahrt wurde

Was ist aus dem Land geworden, das ich liebte und in dem ich lebte?

Breaking: Body Found Inside Floating Luggage In Sliema Marina

Von mynameisnotsparta


  1. We have had some rather strong winds over the weekend. Is it possible the suitcase floated in ? As in, It was dropped out at sea ?

  2. One-Yogurtcloset7270 on

    You should read Delitti f’Malta to find that we have less gruesome murders nowadays.

  3. OfficeSpankingSlave on

    Calm down. You think Malta is a paradise? Murders happen. I listened to a professor on the radio that spoke about how multiple murders daily happened during the reign of the knights of St John. My elders mentioned the gruesome murders that happened in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Why should now be any different?

    At least it was discovered and might give some closure to the relatives. God knows how many people were murdered and just vanished without a trace.

  4. The return of mafia related murders? We hadn’t had for a while now.

  5. Ironsides4ever on

    Do we always get some crazy murder this time of the year ? I can think of two right off the bat ..

  6. SofaSurfer9 on

    “What’s become of the country I loved and lived in?”

    Malta is BY FAR the safest country I have ever lived in. Sweden had 53 fatal shootings in 2023, and that does not include stabbings and other homicides. Malta had 3 total homicides in 2023, 2 of them were domestic disputes.

    Although it is sad, stuff like this happen everywhere. I am still SUPER safe to go out ANYWHERE and at any time, and so are my kids.

  7. ThoriumPrime on

    “the case is being treated as a murder”

    Yeah, they reckon the dude didn’t climb into the suitcase himself.

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