Assads Sturz bestätigt alles, was Netanjahu seit dem Anschlag vom 7. Oktober getan hat


  1. Submission statement:

    Despite being under pressure domestically and internationally, Netanyahu kept his course for over a year. Had he yielded to calls for negotiation with Hamas the rest of the dominoes would not have fallen. Hezbollah would still be intact and Assad’s regime would have support of thousands of Iranian backed fighters. It’s all connected.

  2. Far-Explanation4621 on

    On the other end of the stick, there’s Putin the master strategist, who helped train, equip, and pay off Hamas to stir up the ME bee’s nest and take the international focus off of Ukraine, never imagining that he might end up losing his power projection in the region, and his launchpad into the Med and Africa, too. What a geopolitical dope.

  3. CruisingandBoozing on

    Vindicated is a charged, emotional statement.

    I don’t know about that, personally.

    But are they inter-connected? Was it the smart strategic play?


  4. ConsiderationBorn231 on

    In many ways, I agree. Iran has had its influence in the middle east decimated. This is just one more block falling for them. By proxy, so has Russia. His staying the course has had soooo much greater an impact than just in Gaza.

  5. minaminonoeru on

    While there is a causal relationship suggested by the article, it does not mean that Netanyahu acted under a long-term strategy to bring down Assad or reduce Russia’s influence.

    Netanyahu simply promoted the escalation of the conflict to maintain his regime.

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