1. Submission Statement: “The Syrian regime fell fast. Surprised? Don’t be.” The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria may be a sign of the brittleness of Vladimir Putin’s rule in Russia. Edward Lucas explains that despite appearances of stability, dictatorships can collapse quickly, and Putin’s own position may be more precarious than it seems. The article notes that Putin is likely troubled by the fate of his Syrian protégé and that his costly war in Ukraine has weakened his ability to support other authoritarian regimes, potentially denting his domestic reputation.

  2. EdgeOrnery6679 on

    Yeah im sure Russia and China are gonna collapse any day now since this has been repeated since 2000

  3. -------7654321 on

    pls eu keep supporting ukraine and let russia run dry so ukraine can run them out of their land

  4. aWhiteWildLion on

    The collapse of the Assad regime is very painful for Russia and Putin, but let’s not pretend that this is the “Achilles Heel” that will bring Putin’s rule down and make Ukraine win the war.

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