Israel erobert den syrischen Hermon; Netanyahu: „Dies ist ein historischer Tag“


  1. kiss_a_spider on

    >Israeli Air Force commandos captured the highest peak of Mount Hermon on the Syrian side. The peak offers a commanding view and firing range over other ridges of Mount Hermon, making it a critical asset for observation and defense.
    Foreign reports also indicated that Israeli strikes over the weekend targeted advanced weapons stockpiles, production facilities and a chemical weapons depot near Damascus.

    A good strategic move on Israel’s part.

  2. Electronic_Main_2254 on

    If Iran would’ve thought that all of this could happen solely because of October 7th, I think they would’ve warned Israel on October 6th by themselves.
    In just 1 year, their entire “ring of fire” theory and all of their proxies are either in a non existent stage or in the not relevant phase.

  3. Nervous-Basis-1707 on

    Another land grab by the very non imperialistic nation of Israel. This time to make a “buffer zone” for their prior buffer zone.

    And at a time when the Syrian people are celebrating getting rid of a dictatorship and ending a 20 year war. There’s no justifiable reason for this aggression. This is just a way for a bully to punch down on his crippled neighbour.

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