Malta ist in der EU mit den geringsten Pro-Kopf-Emissionen führend

Von boyztooldy


  1. Lol. Can barely breath any air anymore. It’s just dust and exhaust everywhere.

  2. Ironsides4ever on

    They must have left out all the emissions coming from Abela and his cohorts, much like Mizzi left out the cost of fuel when he declared he saved the airline.

    Malta .. blow it out your ass nation !

    PS, I see comments about lack of trees .. that too. Abela thinks trees are phallic symbols and banned them!

  3. SinkGeneral4619 on

    False comparisons when we’re eating all the imported meat from the likes of Ireland… (which exports enough food to feed 30m people)

  4. squaredegrees on

    Of course, we have little industry. I bet it doesn’t include emissions from imports.

  5. Probably because of the lack of heavy industry and coal plans.
    Austria has a lot of renewable energy but also massive transit (north-south through Tyrol) and a ton of heavy industry (steel, automotive,..).

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